Industry & Institution Tie-up


As the trainers will be coming from top MNCs and reputed institutions of country the quality of the workshop will be world class.

We maintain long term relation with the institution not only in the form of workshops and training programs but we provide all kind of placement support for the students after their complication of the course.

We help the management to establish the innovation centers in their institutions where their students will get a chance to get guidance form the employees for various top companies.

We help student to get placed by providing them the right knowledge on real world emerging techs

Institution will be a part of the vast network where, student employee communication will help grow the country in a positive way.

Automation is one of the key areas for modern manufacturing systems. It requires coordination of different machines to support manufacturing operations in a company. Recent studies show that there is a gap in the STEM workforce preparation in regards to highly automated production environments. Industrial robots have become an essential part of these semi-automated and automated manufacturing systems. Their control and programming requires adequate education and training in robotics theory and applications.

Automation will have a profound impact on the future of work and society. In recent years, a great deal of research has been undertaken on the impacts and implications of automation. Most of this research has reflected one of two narratives. One narrative focuses on the negative outcomes of automation, by highlighting the degree to which traditional labor models are under threat. In this scenario, automation will produce a bleak future of permanent high unemployment as robotics and artificial intelligence systems take over more and more job tasks. A second narrative around automation has emerged that touts its benefits—cleaner and safer jobs, reduced carbon impacts, and new waves of productivity and prosperity resulting from yet another technological revolution. In this scenario, most or all workers will be able to reskill and find new and better jobs, and the positive impacts will outweigh the costs.

Historically, the productivity and progress of human society has depended on our most effective and versatile resource: our own human abilities. While new technologies have vastly changed what can be achieved and how, they have not escaped dependence on human labour, creativity and intelligence. However, we are now reaching a point where technologies are going even further and are now matching or surpassing many human abilities at a level not seen before. The nature of these technologies suggests we are entering a global period of economy-wide automation and resulting labour market transformation.

Automation can involve a range of technologies, such as computerisation, artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, robotics and nanotechnology. However, automation is not just about technologies, or technological disruption, or even the replacement of human workers in certain jobs. Rather, it is a transformation of the nature of work.

The current public narrative surrounding automation is that it drives economic growth and improves human productivity, but at the cost of jobs. This narrative does not adequately describe what automation is, nor the wider environment in which it is occurring. The reality is while automation will be ubiquitous across industries, businesses and occupations, deployment will neither be consistent in extent nor speed. Machines may replace routine physical and cognitive tasks, but it is where machines and humans form powerful combinations that future business and employment opportunities will reside.

The field of automation now extends well beyond its origins in manufacturing to encompass a growing range of technologies, industries and applications. This means that there are numerous definitions of automation, and they vary in scope according to the technologies, applications and priorities of their time

The information technology (IT) revolution which began in the latter half of the 20th century has brought great changes to education and learning. The spread of the Internet has made information ubiquitous, changing the emphasis of education from the transmission and acquisition of knowledge to knowledge creation and shifting the focus from group to individual education. Since the perspective for discussions of education systems is moving from instructors to learners in place of education systems we adopt the expression education/learning systems. When considering the automation of education/learning systems, along with the impact of information and communications technology (ITC), the effects of educational psychology and educational technology cannot be ignored. This field overall is referred to as instructional design (ID)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is an emerging technology that enables IT professionals to configure computer software or a robot to streamline business processes in the enterprise. While the adoption of RPA continues increasing, skills and expertise of RPA tools and deployments will become more significant for business intelligence developers, business analysts, and data or solution architects.